Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Ashden awards for sustainable energy -2007

INDIA won the two internation awards and one second prize . Summary of all the winner here .

1 BIOTECH - Innovative scheme turns food waste into gas for cooking and electricity.

In 1994, driven by a desire to see an end to the dumping of waste in public places, Saji Das set up BIOTECH to focus on ways of managing organic waste to produce alternative sources of energy. Four years later BIOTECH launched its innovative biogas programme which uses unwanted food waste and other organic waste to produce gas for cooking and, in some cases, to produce electricity.

In order to have a real impact on the waste problem in Kerala and to produce significant amounts of clean energy, BIOTECH has developed biogas digesters that are not only suitable for domestic use but also for schools and hostels and larger municipal sites. To date BIOTECH has built and installed 12,000 domestic plants, 220 institutional plants and 17 municipal plants that uses waste from the municipal fish markets to produce biogas which is then used in a 3kW engine to generate electricity for lighting the market.

2 SELCO - Making solar energy affordable yet commercially viable

SELCO is a private business, based in Bangalore, which provides solar-home-systems (SHS) and other solar services to low-income households and institutions. Its network of local sales and service centres are set up where micro-finance organisations can provide loans to customers. All systems are sold on a commercial basis, but SELCO is committed to providing the highest quality services to poor people on financial terms they can afford.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice entry... keep it up brother...