In 9Th semester we did documentation project . we were a team of five students . The project required documentation of an old historic building . We were to produce all the measurement drawings and a report on the historical importance of the place . We chose a historic village on the border of India Pakistan is a small village named
RAJASANSI . The village got few historic buildings .....The place was inhabited by sardars ( influential landlord ) who had there Havelies ...but few of these homes exist now .....we can see old balconies ,
chajja , old wooden carved door . Everything from a simple door to lock tells a story ......and takes one back to history ....
Below are the :-
1. site plan of the mosque ( the mosque is believed to be 200yr old )
2. Plans ( GF and Roof Plan )
3. Elevation ( Mosque )
Jallis ( Elevations of doors and windows )
5. Elevation and Plan of the Dome ( Dia - 24' , Total height - 30')
Jallis 7. sectional elevation of gurudwara

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